Join the fun group of volunteers who make Orleans a beautiful and healthy place.
We need volunteers in all areas but are particularly in need of help with our annual Celebrate
Our Waters event.
Most volunteer positions for Celebrate Our Waters involve greeting the public, helping children with age-appropriate activities, delivering handouts or posters, making phone calls, or assembling and distributing materials. A few of the jobs require heavy lifting and/or setting up/taking down a tent.
Do you have special skills that could be used to help create, promote, or document the
weekend? For example, do you write well? have experience with social media marketing or
posting events on Facebook/Instagram? work well with children? take photos? record video?
edit videos?
We also need plenty of volunteers for our ongoing year-round work if there’s something else
you’re interested in. Any help you can give is valuable and we would love to have you join us.