Saturday, Sept. 14th, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. meet at Rock Harbor (Map location #2) or Depot Square (Map location #9).
There are 2 great bicycle rides to choose from:
1. Tour de Orleans – 13-15 miles
On Saturday September 16th, 2023 join local cyclist John Smith in search of spectacular local water views. This ride will visit several of our local waterways and pond landings in East Orleans. The ride is about 13-15 miles and there will be several hills. Park and meet at 10:00 AM at Rock Harbor, where we will start. Or, if you wish to miss a long hill, join the ride at 10:30 AM at Orleans Depot Square on Old Colony Road. Families are welcome. No training wheels, please.
Bike helmets are required – No one will be allowed to ride without a helmet. Wear bright clothing. Inflate your tires before the ride. If it is raining the ride will be cancelled.
Expand the map with the brackets in the upper right, for a list of location descriptions click upper left icon. Printable Map
Distance: 13-15 miles – Terrain: Rolling Hills thru Town and down to Landings
2. Tour de West Orleans Waters – 6-11 miles

On Saturday September 16th, 2023 at 10:00 AM join local cyclist Tom Finan on a Tour de West Orleans Waters ride in search of spectacular local water views. Park and meet at Depot Square on Old Colony Road in Orleans. The ride provides several beautiful water vistas. The route is mostly level. Participants may elect to do a ride as short as 6 miles or as long as 11 miles. Families are welcome. No training wheels, please.
Bike helmets are required – No one will be allowed to ride without a helmet. Wear bright clothing. Inflate your tires before the ride. If it is raining the ride will be cancelled.
Expand the map with the brackets in the upper right, for a list of location descriptions click upper left icon. Printable Map
Distance: 11.3 miles – Terrain mostly flat.
Expand the map with the brackets in the upper right, for a list of location descriptions click upper left icon. Printable Map
Shorter Distance: 8.2 miles – Terrain mostly flat.