Saturday, September 14th, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. at 155 Monument Road (Map location #13)

Stormwater runoff mitigation can be beautiful! Join Regenerative Agroecologist, Peter Jensen and his wife, Holistic Nutritionist and Horticulturalist, Lynn Van Norman, for a dynamic and engaging “Aquifer Protection through ecosystem strengthening and resilience walk”. This will be a pleasant walk through Road and Driveway Runoff Raingardens, Downspout Keyhole Gardens, Tuscan WaterWalks, Hillside Lithic Swales and Hugel Terraces on their hillside 1790s home overlooking Pilgrim Lake. Every drop of water that moves onto or over the property from roof, road or hillside is guided slowly and safely into the organically-amended subsoil. This dormant season moisture is then retained well into the long, and increasingly hot and dry, summer growing season.
Come to learn, observe and discuss how runoff mitigation means that irrigation is never required and exactly why they say, “The answer lies in the leaves.”
Soft drinks and simple snacks offered at the end for those who wish to linger. RSVP preferred but not required. Email: