Celebrate Our Waters – Thank You
Help Wanted!
The Orleans Pond Coalition brings Celebrate Our Waters to Orleans to help share our love for our community with our residents, visitors, and anyone passing through. We’re delighted when someone sails for the first time or successfully makes it up on a paddleboard. This year, we were particularly glad we had a chance to highlight the challenges we have with plastics in our waters. Many of us got a chance to hear how we’re trying to expand our local fishing market. At OPC, we consider ourselves very fortunate to be in a position to share these experiences with an ever growing community.
 Million Thanks!
Addison Art Gallery
Alan Levick
Alan McClennen
Arey’s Pond Boat Yard
Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy
Barb Murphy
Betsy Furtney
Cape Cod Cooperative Extension
Cape Cod Fishermen’s Alliance
Cape Cod Five
Cape Kayaking
Center for Coastal Studies
Coastal Engineering
Community Development Partnership
Denya LeVine
DJ Tom Tuttle
French Cable Station
Goose Hummock
Jackson Gillman
Jan Brink
Joan Francolini
John Fallendar
Jonathan Young Windmill
Judith Bruce
Land Ho!
Main Street Books
Mal and Steve Bonnemeier
Massachusetts Audubon Wellfleet Bay
Maureen and Craig Boyce
Molly Jenkins
Namequoit Sailing Association
Nauset Beach Lifeguards
Nauset Middle School Summer Science Institute
Nauset Model Sailing Club
Nauset Newcomers Biking Group
Nauset School District Parents
Orleans Conservation Trust
Orleans Council on Aging
Orleans Historical Markers Committee
Orleans Historical Society
Orleans Yoga
Paul Minus
Pleasant Bay Community Boating
Rock Creek Oysters
Sir Speedy Orleans
Snow Library
The Corner Store
The Federated Church of Orleans
The Minor 3rds
Todd Kelley at Nickerson State Park
Walter North
Wilkinson Ecological Design