Connecting to Our Clean Water Future
Dear Friends,
As Phase I of the Orleans Wastewater Infrastructure Project nears completion later this year, we thought that the attached notice from Tom Daley, Director of the Orleans Department of Public Works and Natural Resources, would be of interest to our community, and particularly helpful to those who work and reside in the downtown area. It provides timely information and advice about when and how to arrange your connection to the first leg of the town’s advanced new wastewater system. Your support and patience during the construction period will be rewarded as the value and benefits of Phase I come online.
Hello Downtown Sewer Abutters!
On or about September 1 of 2022 it is anticipated that you will receive notice from the Orleans Board of Health notifying you that you have one year to connect to the new downtown wastewater system. Approximately 400 people will receive this notice at the same time. This means that there will be a big rush to hire engineers to design 400 sewer connections and then hire contractors to install the 400 sewer connections all within one year. This is going to put a big strain on our local engineers and contractors. That is why we are sending you this notice to wholeheartedly encourage you to hire an engineer as soon as possible and then line up your contractors to install your connection.
The following link will bring you to a list of local engineers:
Engineering-Design-Firms-PDF (
This link will bring you to a list of local contractors:
Sewer-Installation-Contractors-PDF (
By hiring an engineer now you may possibly relieve yourself of potential difficulty in the upcoming year. The process may seem quite confusing but your engineer and those of us at the Orleans Dept. of Public Work & Natural Resources are here to help you and walk you through the process. Please start the process as soon as you can. Please note that our list of engineers and contractors is not an endorsement of them. We supply the list for your convenience only. You are welcome to use any Massachusetts Registered Civil or Environmental Professional Engineer.
For more information please click the link below to our property owner’s guidebook:
Property Owner’s Guidebook | Orleans, MA
Thank you!
Thomas E. Daley, P.E.
Director of Public Works & Natural Resources
40 Giddiah Hill Rd.
Orleans, MA 02653
(508) 240-3790