- Pond area: 1.2 acres
- Maximum depth: 5.2 ft (1.6 m)
- Location: Kettle Pond is located just to the east of Kettle Pond Way and north of Finlay Road
- Water access, parking: Kettle Pond abuts Kettle Pond Way.
- Boat ramp / boat access: kayak or canoe access from Kettle Pond Way
- Recreational Uses: bird watching
- Fishing: no (for adjacent residents only)
Other Fun Facts:
- Wood ducks nest in a duck box on Kettle Pond
- The Department of Fish and Wildlife catches and bands ducks on Kettle Pond, using access provided by a Kettle Pond abutter
Help Us Improve Our Kettle Pond Page
We would like our community members to submit pictures and/or simple text to this page. If you or a friend could help us, please email us at webinput@orleanspondcoalition.org or use the contact form below.
Thanks in advance from your friends at the Orleans Pond Coalition