- Pond area: 5.6 acres
- Maximum depth: 17.4 ft (5.3 m)
- Location: Sarah’s Pond is located just to the east of Quanset Road, west of Davis Road and to the northeast of Meadow Bog Pond.
- Water access, parking: No water access. There are views of the pond from the Orleans Conservation Trust (OCT) walking trail along the pond. There are 2-3 parking spaces at 174 Quanset Road for access to the Sarah’s Pond (and Meadow Bog Pond) walking trails. Additional parking is available at the Twinings Pond Trailhead found about 0.25 miles up Quanset Rd.
- Boat ramp / boat access: none
- Recreational Uses: walking, bird watching.
- Fishing: no

Other Fun Facts:
- Sarah’s Pond is the easternmost pond of an east/west line of shallow, small ponds in South Orleans that includes Twinings, Shoal, Deep and Uncle Seth’s Ponds.
- Historically, the land around Sarah’s Pond had agricultural uses (likely sheep farming) that contributed to the nutrient rich sediments on the pond bottom.
- Sarah’s Pond has been the location for OPC’s oxygenation demonstration project, to test oxygenation as a method for improving water quality. This was initiated in 2017, with the gathering of baseline data, and concluded in 2023. From 2018-2019, Nannobubble Technology was demonstrated resulting in a conclusion that this approach was insufficient to meet the pond’s oxygen demand. A second technology – Oxygenation Saturation Technology (OST) – was installed in 2020 and continues at present. OPC concluded its demonstration project in November of 2023 but has enabled the abutters to the pond to continue to operate this technology. Several upgrades and improvements to the equipment and maintenance procedures were developed throughout the three year period and by 2023, this approach was found to succeed in suppressing phosphorous release from the bottom sediments and preventing cyanobacteria blooms in the pond. OPC will continue to monitor the effects of this technology.
Sarah’s Pond bathymetry map (depth in feet)
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Thanks in advance from your friends at the Orleans Pond Coalition