- Pond area: 29.3 acre
- Maximum depth: 56.7 ft (17.3 m)
- Location: Baker’s Pond abuts Baker’s Pond Conservation Area (Town owned). It lies mostly in Orleans but it straddles the town line between Orleans and Brewster. It is located west of Bakers Pond Road, approx. 250 ft. west of Route 6 (Mid-Cape Highway) and ½ mile south of Route 6A.
- Water access, parking: The entrance to the Baker’s Pond Conservation Area is at 80 Bakers Pond Road, where there is parking for 10 cars. Another access at 110 Bakers Pond Road has a State boat launch. This has parking for 4-6 cars (if no trailers).
- Boat ramp / boat access: no boat ramp; There is a State Boat Launch where one can drive to the waterline. Motorized boats have a maximum limit of 5 HP, electric motors only.
- Recreational Uses: Fishing and small boating from the State boat launch; trail walking and picnicking in the Town Conservation Area. Although there is a walking trail to water’s edge and some people do swim in Baker’s Pond, the pond is not an official Town swimming location. There is no ‘beach area’, there is no testing of the swimming water quality and there is no lifeguard. It is not permitted to swim at the State boat launch area.
- Fishing: Baker’s Ponds is one of two cold water fisheries in Orleans, together with Crystal Lake; both are stocked by the MA Division of Fish and Wildlife in spring and fall with brook, brown and rainbow trout (www.Mass.gov/Trout). There are also smallmouth bass and yellow perch. A MA state fishing license is required.
Other/Fun Facts:
- Baker’s Pond is the deepest pond in Orleans. It is also one of four ‘Great Ponds’ in Orleans (area larger than 10 acres) together with Cedar Pond, Crystal Lake and Pilgrim Lake.
- In 1988, the Town of Orleans acquired the land north of Baker’s Pond, totaling 15 acres, for conservation, open space, and recreation. One key purpose of the acquisition was to protect drinking water in the Gould Pond Well (for Town drinking water supply). Today, the Baker’s Pond Conservation Area comprises more than 50 acres spanning both Orleans and Brewster. It is part of a contiguous natural area from Nickerson State Park in Brewster across Route 6 to the watershed in Orleans.
Baker’s Pond bathymetry map (depth in feet)
There is a Water Quality Management Plan for Baker’s Pond focusing on measures to reduce nutrient (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) inputs to the lake in order to reduce algae and cyanobacteria blooms and improve water clarity.
The Bakers Pond Conservation Area is part of a contiguous natural area including Nickerson State Park in Brewster across Route 6 to the watershed in Orleans.
Bakers Pond is a classic coastal plain kettle pond with a wide sandy shoreline, which is inundated seasonally when the water table is high. At its deepest point, the pond reaches 60 feet.
The wide beach on site supports a substantial and unique plant community including the rare Spatulate-leaved sun-dew and Plymouth gentian.
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