- Pond area: 5.5 acres
- Maximum depth: 12.7 ft (3.9 m)
- Location: Gould Pond is located to the west of Route 28 and to the north of Lisa’s Way
- Water access, parking: none; Gould Pond lies completely within the Wellhead Protection Area for Orleans drinking water wells. Access is via Orleans Water Dept facilities, only with explicit permission of Orleans Water Dept.
- Boat ramp / boat access: none
- Recreational Uses: no
- Fishing: no
Other Fun Facts:
- A small (1.3 acre) unnamed pond to the northwest may occasionally have a surface water connection to Gould Pond.
- Plymouth Gentian (Sabatia kennedyana), a rare flower with pink petals and a yellow center, has been known to bloom along the pond shoreline during low water years.
Gould Pond bathymetry map (depth in feet)
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We would like our community members to submit pictures and/or simple text to this page. If you or a friend could help us, please email us at webinput@orleanspondcoalition.org or use the contact form below.
Thanks in advance from your friends at the Orleans Pond Coalition